10 Best social sciences in Israel
Best Choice
01Audible12% OffShow moreOn AmazonBehave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst
Best Value
02Princeton University Press34% OffShow moreOn AmazonData Analysis for Social Science: A Friendly and Practical Introduction
- 03W. W. Norton & Company31% OffShow moreOn Amazon
Belonging: The Science of Creating Connection and Bridging Divides
- 04Princeton University Press24% OffShow moreOn Amazon
Quantitative Social Science: An Introduction
- 05Oxford University PressShow moreOn Amazon
Mapping Texts: Computational Text Analysis for the Social Sciences (Computational Social Science)
- 06University Alabama PressShow moreOn Amazon
Duped: Truth-Default Theory and the Social Science of Lying and Deception
- 07Crown18% OffShow moreOn Amazon
Talk: The Science of Conversation and the Art of Being Ourselves
- 08Mariner42% OffShow moreOn Amazon
Likewar: The Weaponization of Social Media
- 09Cambridge University PressShow moreOn Amazon
Social Science Methodology: A Unified Framework (Strategies for Social Inquiry)
- 10Penguin Press24% OffShow moreOn Amazon
The Sirens' Call: How Attention Became the World's Most Endangered Resource